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5G IoT Module Certification Points to 5G IoT Market Growth

December 28, 2022 | IN-6760


5G Certification for Quectel


The Global Certification Forum (GCF) is one of the certifying bodies for end devices and modules for the European cellular network. Quectel Wireless Solutions is a global Internet of Things (IoT) hardware manufacturer offering primarily cellular IoT modules, but this does not the limit to their portfolio.

The 5G New Radio (NR) RG500L-EU module is a smart module based upon the MediaTek T750 platform. The module has been used by Quectel’s customers to create industrial gateways to be deployed in end markets such as telemedicine and industrial monitoring.

GCF Certification—Why Should Manufacturers Get Certified?


Having IoT devices certified by organizations such as the GCF enables devices to be connected to over 800 mobile networks worldwide. GCF testing also enables the ability for a device to be tested once and then used anywhere, highlighting the GCF’s presence within the cellular standardization market.

One of the benefits of being GCF certified is that as new devices are put forward for certification, manufacturers can be assured that the certification process is up to date, helping them keep relevant with the current market trends. The GCF works closely with other standards organizations including the 3GPP, meaning that testing capabilities can meet the expectation of newer technologies as they are deployed.  

Useful Partnerships—Larger Order Summaries


ABI Research monitors the IoT cellular module model space routinely for any new additions to the market but also those that are no longer at market from the manufacturer firsthand. The latest edition of the product MD-ICM-103 has included new nuggets of data collected on the module models that are available, including certification status.

Certification is important for hardware manufacturers, as it can enable their products to be used in end devices that are also certified. Specifically for the GCF, in order for a connected end device to be certified, the embedded module within the device must be GCF certified for a minimum of three years prior to the certification process of the connected end device. Therefore, gaining certification as soon as a new device is ready for market will be beneficial for hardware manufacturers, since this will help create beneficial partnerships with end device manufacturers and designers, inevitably resulting in larger orders and shipments for these certified modules.

The GCF certification is important for manufacturers entering the European market, and most operators require manufacturers to complete GCF certification to be able to enter the market. The benefit to manufacturers of GCF certification is that European and Asian operators will have confidence in the devices certified to not disturb or interfere with their networks in a harmful way, similarly to how the PTCRB certification process does for North American operators.

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