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Manufacturing Market Data

Publish Date: 28 Sep 2023
Code: MD-MMD-103
Research Type: Market Data
Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Provides a detailed view of the global manufacturing landscape with deep dives in key manufacturing companies and verticals.
  • Understand which are the largest addressable markets within manufacturing.
  • Obtain key inputs and market sizing for analyses.
  • Identify and better target new growth opportunities.
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • Top number of manufacturing firms and factories globally.
  • Top 10 industries in terms of the number of enterprises, revenue, and employees for major manufacturing countries.
  • Largest global manufacturers by revenue.
  • Largest global factories by size (square meters).
  • Breakdown of U.S. enterprises by floorspace, number of firms, factories, and industry.
  • U.S. manufacturing businesses by vertical and number of employees.
  • Country breakdowns for the United States, China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico, and Brazil by number of enterprises per industry, number of factories per industry, output per industry, employees per industry, and value added per industry.
  • Breakdown of revenue, number of firms, and number of employees for European Union (EU) countries.
  • Manufacturing value added by country and region.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • How many factories are there?
  • What is the average size of a factory in terms of floorspace and how does it vary by industry?
  • What are the largest manufacturing regions and verticals globally?
  • Which manufacturing verticals are dominant in key manufacturing countries?
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Market intelligence and strategy professionals.
  • Technology suppliers in marketing, product management, and sales.
  • Digital transformation executives, project managers, and lean leaders in industrial and manufacturing.
  • Technology implementers (System Integrators (SIs), Value-Added Resellers (VARs)), Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), and wireless networking infrastructure providers.


  1. MVA Market Size by Country, World Markets: 2018 to 2022
  2. MVA Market Share by Country, World Markets: 2018 to 2022
  3. Number of Manufacturing Enterprises by Country, World Markets: 2022
  4. Number of Factories by Country, World Markets: 2022
  5. Number of Manufacturing Employees by Country, World Markets: 2022
  6. Number of Enterprises & Factories by Industry, World Markets: 2022
  7. Total Graduating Engineers, World Markets: 2023 to 2033
  8. Manufactuirng Vertical Industry Codes and Revenue, World Markets: 2020
  9. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Code Percentage Splits across "Big Four" Countries, China, United States, Japan, Germany: 2020
  10. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes, China 2020
  11. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes Percentage Splits, China: 2020
  12. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes, United States: 2020
  13. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes Percentage Splits, United States: 2020
  14. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes, Japan: 2020
  15. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes Percentage Splits, Japan: 2020
  16. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes, Germany: 2020
  17. Manufacturing Vertical Industry Codes Percentage Splits, Germany: 2020
  18. Total Industry Figures across "Big Four" Countries, China, United States, Japan, Germany: 2020
  19. Total Industry Figures across "Big Four" Countries Percentage Split, China, United States, Japan, Germany: 2020
  20. Manufacturing Value Added (US$), World Markets: 2015 to 2022
  21. Largest Manufacturers by Revenue, World Markets: 2023 to 2033
  22. Largest Factories by Size, World 2023
  23. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, United States: 2019 to 2021
  24. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, United States: 2018 to 2020
  25. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, United States: 2019 to 2021
  26. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Annual Payroll, United States: 2019 to 2021
  27. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by MVA, United States: 2019 to 2021
  28. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by CAPEX for Machinery and Equipment, United States: 2019 to 2021
  29. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by CAPEX for Computers and Peripheral Data Processing Equipment, United States: 2019 to 2021
  30. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Expensed Purchases of Software, United States: 2019 to 2021
  31. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Data Processing and Other Purchased Computer Services, United States: 2019 to 2021
  32. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Communications Services Spending, United States: 2019 to 2021
  33. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Purchased Professional and Technical Services by Industry, United States: 2019 to 2021
  34. Number and Percentage of Enterprises, Establishments, Employees, and Annual Payroll by Size of Enterprise, United States: 2020
  35. Manufacturing: Summary Statistics, United States: 2021
  36. Manufacturing Establishments by Number of Employees, United States: 2020
  37. U.S. Manufacturing by Occupation, United States: 2022 (MAY)
  38. Enclosed Floorspace and Number of Establishment Buildings, United States: 2018
  39. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, China: 2019 and 2021
  40. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, China: 2019 and 2021
  41. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, China: 2019 and 2021
  42. Number of Enterprises and Production Value by Industry and Size, China: 2021
  43. Percentage of Employees and Production Value by Enterprise Size, China: 2021
  44. Number of Enterprises, Production Value, and Number of Employees by Enterprise Size, China: 2021
  45. Manufacturing: Summary Statistics, China: 2021
  46. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, Japan: 2020 & 2022
  47. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Japan: 2020 & 2022
  48. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Japan: 2020 & 2022
  49. Manufacturing: Summary Statistics, Japan: 2022
  50. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, Germany: 2018 to 2020
  51. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Germany: 2018 to 2020
  52. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Germany: 2018 to 2020
  53. Number of Enterprises, Production Value, and Number of Employees by Enterprise Size, Germany: 2020
  54. Manufacturing: Summary Statistics, Germany: 2020
  55. Top 10 Manufacturing Countries in Europe by Enterprises, European Union (+ United Kingdom): 2018 to 2020
  56. Top 10 Manufacturing Countries in Europe by Output Revenue, European Union (+ United Kingdom): 2018 to 2020
  57. Manufacturing Production Output by Industry and Country, European Union: 2020
  58. Manufacturing Enterprises by Industry and Country, European Union: 2020
  59. Manufacturing Employees by Industry and Country, European Union: 2020
  60. Manufacturing Enterprises by Number of Employees, European Union: 2020
  61. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, South Korea: 2020
  62. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, South Korea: 2020
  63. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, South Korea: 2020
  64. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Sotuh Korea: 2020
  65. Top 10 Manufactruing Industries by Revenue, Singapore: 2022
  66. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Singapore: 2022
  67. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Singapore: 2022
  68. Manufacturing Value Added, Singapore: 2015 to 2022
  69. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Singapore: 2022
  70. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, Phillipines: 2020
  71. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Phillipines: 2020
  72. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Phillipines: 2020
  73. Manufacturing Value Added, Phillipines: 2015 to 2022
  74. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Phillipines: 2020
  75. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, Malaysia: 2021
  76. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Value Added, Malaysia: 2021
  77. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Malaysia: 2021
  78. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Value of Fixed Assets, Malaysia: 2021
  79. Manufacturing Value Added, Malaysia: 2015 to 2022
  80. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Malaysia: 2021
  81. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Vietnam: 2020
  82. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Vietnam: 2020
  83. Manufacturing Value Added, Vietnam: 2015 to 2022
  84. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Vietnam: 2020
  85. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, Mexico: 2021
  86. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Mexico: 2021
  87. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Mexico: 2021
  88. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Mexico: 2021
  89. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Revenue, Brazil: 2021
  90. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Enterprises, Brazil: 2021
  91. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Employees, Brazil: 2021
  92. Top 10 Manufacturing Industries by Value Added, Brazil: 2021
  93. Manufacturing Value Added, Brazil: 2015 to 2022
  94. Manufacturing Summary Statistics, Brazil: 2021