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Satellite Communications: Direct-to-Cellular & NTN Deployments & Subscriptions Market Data Overview: 2Q 2024

Publish Date: 05 Jun 2024
Code: PT-3239
Research Type: Presentation
Pages: 13
Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Understand the market distribution of Direct-to-Cell (D2C) subscriptions by geography, band, orbit, operational domain, and technology (The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN), 3GPP 5G/Long Term Evolution (LTE), proprietary, etc.).
  • Identify which technologies, orbits, regions, and service segments are growing the most.
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • D2C and satphone market forecast data out to 2033.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • What are the forecast connections and revenue by technology (3GPP NTN, 3GPP 5G/LTE, proprietary, etc.)?
  • What technology is being used by which orbit? What are the forecast connections and revenue for each?
  • What are the forecast connections and revenue by operational orbit?
  • What are the forecast connections and revenue by service segments?
  • What are the forecast connections and revenue by operational domain?
  • What spectrum bands are being used, in which markets, and by which orbits?
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Telcos looking to partner with satellite operators to begin offering D2C services.
  • Decision makers in telco and satellite infrastructure planning looking to understand the opportunity for 3GPP NTN (Internet of Things (IoT) and New Radio (NR)) and D2C.
  • Network infrastructure vendors and solutions providers looking to understand the D2C and NTN market opportunity.
  • Semiconductor vendors looking to understand the D2C and NTN market opportunity.
  • Device vendors looking to understand the D2C and NTN market opportunity.
  • Decision-makers within governments and regulatory bodies who are responsible for spectrum allocation and infrastructure.
  • Planners within Telco and SatCom organizations who need to chart a path forward to meet the rising demand for bandwidth and ubiquitous connectivity with 5G and future 6G hybrid networks.

Table of Contents

Key Findings

What’s New


Significant Forecasts

Direct-to-Cellular Connections by Technology

Direct-to-Cellular Connections by Orbit

Direct-to-Cellular Connections by Region