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Satellite Communication: Broadband Deployments & Subscriptions Market Data Overview: 2Q 2024

Publish Date: 27 May 2024
Code: PT-3073
Research Type: Presentation
Pages: 13
Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Understand the market distribution of Satellite Communications (SatCom) broadband subscriptions by geography, band, and orbit.
  • Identify which orbits and service segments are seeing the most growth.
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • Market share analysis of satellite broadband service providers.
  • Market forecast data out to 2033.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • What are the forecast subscriptions and revenue by operational orbit?
  • What are the forecast subscriptions and revenue by service segments?
  • What are the forecast subscriptions and revenue by operational domain?
  • What are the forecast subscriptions and revenue for aviation, maritime, land fixed, and land mobile?
  • What spectrum bands are being used, in which markets, and by which orbits?
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Telcos looking to resell or partner with satellite broadband operators.
  • Equipment manufacturers looking to provide ground or space assets for SatCom broadband.
  • Decision makers within governments and regulatory bodies who are responsible for spectrum allocation and infrastructure.
  • Planners within telco and SatCom organizations who need to chart a path forward to meet the increasing demand for bandwidth and ubiquitous connectivity.

Table of Contents


Key Findings

What’s New


Significant Forecasts

Satellite Broadband Subscriptions by Operational Domain

Satellite Broadband Subscriptions by Frequency Band

Satellite Broadband Subscriptions Revenue by Region

Estimated Satellite Broadband Market Share (by Subscriptions)