Private Wireless Spectrum Tracker
Starting at USD 7,500
Publish Date: 16 Mar 2020
Code: MD-SSPT-20
Research Type: Market Data
Hybrid Cloud & 5G Markets
Actionable Benefits
- Find the best possible deployment options for cellular connectivity among enterprises
- Optimize a strategy for CSPs to offer private cellular connectivity.
- Assisting infrastructure vendors to determine optimal go-to-market strategies for enterprise verticals in response to the respective spectrum allocation regulation.
Research Highlights
- A comprehensive picture of a all spectrum initiatives for private cellular networks across the globe.
- A list of companies that have applied for shared/licensed spectrum, the details of the awarded license as well as infrastructure vendors and network operators involved in the network deployment.
- An extensive list of network operators, specialized on providing private cellular networks, details about their markets of operations, spectrum assets and monetizing models.
Critical Questions Answered
- Which countries offer spectrum acquisition for enterprises directly?
- What deployment options and monetizing models do specialist CSPs offer for private cellular enterprise networks?
- Which verticals show most interest in applying for dedicated enterprise spectrum?
Who Should Read This?
- Decision-makers among network operators, that are evaluating options to offer private cellular network solutions for enterprises.
- Senior executives among enterprises that are looking into their available options for cellular network deployments.
- Innovation leaders within network infrastructure vendors to determine their optimal go-to-market strategy to target enterprise verticals in different countries.
Version History
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Market Data | 3Q 2024 | MD-SSPT-24
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Market Data | 2Q 2023 | MD-SSPT-23
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Market Data | 3Q 2022 | MD-SSPT-22
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Market Data | 3Q 2021 | MD-SSPT-21
Private Wireless Spectrum Tracker
Market Data | 1Q 2020 | MD-SSPT-20
Companies Mentioned
- Shared Spectrum Initatives, World Markets, March 2020
- Companies with interest in Shared Spectrum, World Markets, March 2020
Companies Mentioned
- BMW Group
- Kawasaki