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Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker

Publish Date: 11 May 2023
Code: MD-SSPT-23
Research Type: Market Data
Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Find the best possible deployment options for cellular connectivity among enterprises.
  • Assisting infrastructure vendors and Communication Service Providers (CSPs) with determining optimal go-to-market strategies for enterprise verticals in response to the respective spectrum allocation regulation.
  • Provide infrastructure vendors and chipset manufacturers with key spectrum bands to support enterprise 4G and 5G deployments.
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • Thorough list of all shared and locally licensed spectrum initiatives for enterprises by country.
  • Detailed description of all publicly announced private network deployments as of May 2023.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • How many private network deployments have been announced by May 2023?
  • What countries allow enterprises to access shared spectrum and under which conditions?
  • How private network deployments are led by CSPs versus infrastructure vendors and System Integrators (SIs)?
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Senior product managers within chipset manufacturers and infrastructure vendors to determine key spectrum bands to support enterprise deployments.
  • Senior business developers within CSPs, infrastructure vendors, and chipset manufacturers to determine optimal go-to-market strategies.
  • Senior strategy planners within CSPs, infrastructure vendors, chipset manufacturers, hyperscalers, and SIs to determine key enterprise verticals for private cellular deployments.


  1. Shared and Locally Licensed Spectrum Initiatives, World Markets: July 2021
  2. Publicly Announced Private Network Deployments, World Markets: July 2021